Saturday, December 29, 2007

What happened last week

Everybody wants to know about my eye, or about my fall. Well, I was walking out of the dining room and an old lady, naturally, backed her wheelchair up and I caught my toe on it. Next thing I knew, I was full length on my left side on the floor and bounced my head off the rug. I was dazed for a while. When I tried to get up, they wouldn't let me move and the next thing I knew, there were half a dozen people around me. They were mopping my head with Kleenexes that turned red very fast with my life's blood. They put me in a wheelchair and took me into the sofa lounge. I stopped bleeding quite soon and they didn't need to put a bandage on me. The hinge on my glasses had cut into my forehead right next to my eye. My head didn't hurt much, but my left hip and knee were really sore for about a week. I'm healing fast as usual and I don't think I'll get any scar. This is what I look like today.